Goals: Welcome All * Grow in Faith * Help Others

Our Vision Statement:

“As a Christian church family, we will strive to reach out in care.
Open to God’s possibilities, we will grow through worship,
music and song, fun and fellowship, food for the body and soul.”


For Pastoral Care Please contact:

Pastor Karen Willis DLM:
(519) 602-6692 -Church Office
(905) 512-4178 -Cell

Regular Worship Services –  Sundays at 11am

Our Minister:  Reverend Karen Willis, OM

Newsletter for February 14, 2025

Please let us know of any concerns in the community, people in need:                              such as a personal contact by phone, shopping assistance, or other need.
Office Phone: 519-602-6692
Office Email: innerkipeastwood@gmail.com

Church Office Hours: Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm and Fridays from 9am to noon.
Please call and leave a voicemail or send an email and we will get back to you soon.

You may HAND DELIVER your donation or other envelopes in the LOCKABLE MAILBOX installed near the Hall Entrance to the Church. This entrance is well lit and maintained . The mailbox will be checked daily.

Pre-Authorized Receipt PAR donations continue. Thank You!
If you wish to enrol or make changes to PAR contact the Office.

Innerkip United Church  has made arrangements with CanadaHelps a charity helping charities, to use its secure online fundraising platform. The Official Tax receipt is from CanadaHelps.

The donations can be made by credit card or through PAYPAL. The receipt will be emailed from CanadaHelps which remits the donation and any directions  to Innerkip United Church.
If you have a PAYPAL account you can can donate from your bank account or by credit card.

Online donation to Innerkip United Church
Canada Helps Online Donation


IUC Logo 2016

FaceBook Page

We also have a YouTube Channel!

Check out our YouTube channel!





Please check out  the other community activities going On during the week!

 Or CLICK ON:  Calendar of Events

Click here for: Wondercamp  Information

Also see Wondercamp on Facebook at:


OFFERING ENVELOPES are available at your Church or please investigate PAR for a scheduled donation.

Church Office

(located in the Innerkip United Church Hall, 11 Vincent St. Innerkip ON)

( Please leave Voice-mail and we will get back to you)
Email:    innerkipeastwood@gmail.com   

Mailing address:
Innerkip-Eastwood Pastoral Charge
Box 137